

Jumat, 07 September 2012

An Author's Purpose PIE

Happy Weekend!!
I THINK I've finally gotten my family and myself into our school routine.  It's been rough,
but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's only taken me FOUR weeks!
How's everyone else been feeling?  
I do have to say that  having one of the best classes I've ever had helps.  I think I 
have the sweetest group of 3rd graders. 

I wanted to share a lesson I did with my students this week on
Author's Purpose.  I can not take any credit at all for coming up with this
fabulous lesson.  One of my teaching friends/coworker shared this lesson with me.   ( That's one of the many things I LOVE about teaching at a school with 6 other 3rd grade teachers ( idea sharing), besides the fact that I work with some amazing ladies!) This lesson is Pinterest inspired, of course!

I begin the year by introducing my student's to Author's Purpose.  I expose my students
to many different types of stories so that they can identify the author's purpose for writing the story. In this lesson, each student received two paper plates. On the first paper plate, each student had to divide the plate into 4 equal pieces.  ( They used a pencil to draw their lines).  Then students had to label each section with a P for persuade, I for inform, E for entertain, and Author's Purpose.  Finally, students had to color their pie and decorate with crayon.  We discussed decorating this to look like their favorite type of pie.  Students cut out the four pieces of pie.  

Then students had to staple the pieces onto another paper plate.  We simply put one staple at the top of each piece so that the flap could be lifted up.  Students were given slips of paper with a definition about each to glue underneath each flap.
Here's a picture of the slips of paper:
 If you click on the picture above, you can download this from Google docs.

I shared with my students some stories in which they had to decide the author's purpose for writing the story.  I was able to use Tumblebooks and share the stories on our Promethean board.

Here are the stories I used with my class:

I used this story to show how the author wrote to inform.  This book I found on Tumble Books.

I used this book to show how the author wrote to entertain.  I chose this because it goes with our A.R. theme this quarter.  I found this book on Tumble Books also.

This book was used to show how the author wrote to persuade.  I found this video off of YouTube.

Here are some finished products:

Here is one of my favorite resources to use that goes over many different reading skills and vocabulary. Does anyone else use these?  I LOVE them!  They are quick 5 minute exercises.  It is part of our morning work routine while I am taking attendance and checking planners.  These are on each student's desk in the morning.
 If you would like more information, click on the picture to be taken to the link.

Have a fabulous weekend!  Our weekend is filled with our kids' soccer games. The weather is supposed to be cooler and more Fall like.  I can't wait!!

Rabu, 05 September 2012

Math Games and CURRENTLY

I have begun using math workshop in my classroom these past couple of 
weeks ,AND I love it!  I don't use math workshop everyday in math, but about 3 times
a week.  
One of the rotations I used with my students today was the "MATH IT UP" board.
They LOVED it!  Most of my students noticed this new addition to our classroom as soon
as they walked in this morning.  How observant!!  
I am completely out of space in my classroom for another board, so I used the back of
my BOGGLE board ( which is actually an oil pan). 
 You can find this fabulous FREE resource from Teacher on the Loose by clicking HERE.

I also found these fabulous math card games from Serenade to Second Grade.
  My students can choose to do these when they have finished with their work.  Today I used them in a math rotation.  After the students had finished their " At Their Seat" activity, they could pick a math game to play.  You can download these math games HERE.

AND here's my September Currently.  Don't forget to link up with Oh Boy Fourth Grade.

Okay, this Midwestern gal had her first trip to the mountains of Utah.  LOVE!  My husband and I had a getaway weekend ( without kids) to a mountain resort near Alta, Utah.  We did so much hiking, and I saw a mamma moose and her baby.  Very cool!  The views were SO amazing!

We have our first field trip of the year on Friday.  It is to a large farm near our school. Our local historical society now uses this property.  The founder of PET milk owned  this farm. Each year a weekend event called " Harvest Days" is held.  Students learn about life during the pioneer days.  They have so much fun with this.  Unfortunately it is supposed to storm and rain on this day, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can get this field trip in.

I REALLY want a subscription to Tumble Books.  I have used this several times already this week.  I am using a month trial subscription for free.  The yearly subscription cost is $499.  Yikes!

Some of my favorite things lately are:
1. My Erin Condren planner...
2. Sunburst fruit snacks... I keep these in my desk for a quick snack after school.  My kids have me hooked on these snacks.
3. My pencil sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies... I LOVE this sharpener!

To find out more about this fabulous sharpener, click on the picture above.

Have a fabulous rest of the week!

Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012


We've been in school for about 3 weeks now.  
Hard to believe!!
AND the theme in our classroom has been Communities.
I've been stressing the importance of the learning community in our
classroom, and how we treat each other and work together.
Then, we just finished up our Hour of the Olympics literature study in which 
my class was able to learn a bit about the ancient Greek community. 
They loved this ,and it was the perfect opportunity to throw in some Greek mythology and 
Greek plays to go along with this unit.
My goal this year is to work hard on ways to implement our third grade curriculum so that it flows into one coherent theme that 
not only incorporates what we are doing in reading, writing, and social studies and science as well, while meeting the Common Core Standards. Whew!
I'm so jealous of all of you that already have your curriculum set up in just this way. 
Kudos to you!

So I created a Community Unit in social studies that also tied in with our Hour of the Olympics Literature Study, and a story from our basal reader,  " Officer Buckle and Gloria".
AND it will be a perfect bridge into an election unit I want to do with my kiddos later in October.
This "All About Communities" Unit includes 5 powerpoint lessons  and stations and activities to go with each lesson.  I also created a study guide and test go go with this unit of study.

Here's a peek at some of the stations in action:
This little station is the "What type of community is this?"
Students have cards to read that give descriptions of a community.  They must decide which community the description matches and place it on either the rural, urban, or suburban mat.  Then they are to record this information on the work mat that you see on the clipboards.

This is the "What makes up a community?" station.
In this station students had two  mats, "community" and "not a community".  Their job was to read the cards that went with this station and decide if the item was something that helped make up a community.  Then each student recorded their findings on their work mat.

This is a snapshot of the "Community Workers memory game".  Students were given cards that had a picture of a community worker or a job description of a particular community worker.  Students had to match the picture of the community worker to his/her job description but the rules were that of the "Memory Game".

Yesterday we had a mock city council meeting.  This was another activity from the "All About Communities" Unit.  My students were divided into 4 teams.  Each team has a specific area of the community that they were responsible for creating rules for the community members to follow. These areas included the outdoor swimming pool, city parks, roadways, and school buildings.  
If you are interested in finding out more information on this packet click
on the pictures below to be taken to my TPT store. 
It includes 27 powerpoint slides and a 40 page unit of stations and activities.

I am in the process of adding nonfiction books to my library that go with the community theme.  I would love to hear your suggestions for some great nonfiction books!!

Have a fabulous weekend!  I'll leave you with this fitting quote I found on Pinterest.
So True!!

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Monday Made It

Hey Everyone!
I have to begin by saying getting back into a school routine for myself and my children is
"kicking my behind" along with their soccer games and practices.  Whew!!!!
BUT even with the "busyness" of family life, I was able to get some more projects marked off of my "to do" list this weekend.
 I am so excited to be able to link up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for another
Made It Monday.
Here are a peek at my projects:

1. Poetry Pots
I will be using these poetry pots in my Word Work station or Writing station.  You can't see behind the labels, but there are magnetic words that are in each pot.  Students are to use a cookie sheet and the magnetic words to create a poem.  I found some cookie sheets from the Dollar Tree, and this is where these plastic containers came from also.  I found the magnetic paper from   LOVE this stuff!  I downloaded Rundee's Room "Make Your Own Magnetic Poetry Pack" to use in my poetry pots.  Click below to be taken to this fabulous item.  It's Free.

The adorable Poetry Pot labels on the outside of the container came from Tara at 4th Grade Frolics.

2. Letters For Learning Task Card Kit

This is another great idea I found from Tara.  I purchased her kit, Letters for Learning Task Cards, during the big sale at TPT a few weeks ago.  I printed the cards on cardstock and laminated for durability. Then I used a hole punch on the cards and placed a ring to keep them together.  Finally I purchased a  $2.00 plastic container from the craft department at Wal-mart, and filled it with letters.  I made my own using KPM Doodles letters,and then printed out on cardstock and laminated for durability.  I made 4 copies for each container so that there would be plenty of letters.  You can download the letters below at Google docs.  Simply click on the picture to be taken to this free download.

I can't wait to add this to my Word Work station.

3. Daily 5 Choice Board

I began introducing the Daily 5 to my students the 3rd day of school.  I have been religiously referring to the Daily 5 book for each daily lesson.  I tweak it a bit to fit the age of my students.  They are so excited about this!  I'm not yet ready to implement the choice board, but I want to have it ready to go when the time comes for this part of the Daily 5.
The Daily 5 choice containers are plastic cups that I created labels for.  I then used my hot glue gun to attach heavy duty magnets to the side.   I used a large pocket chart to place the names of my students.  Each student will pick their choices and place them next to their name.  I found already made choice labels that I copied and laminated from a Daily 5 packet on TPT.  It was free on TPT. There are so many great "FREE" resources to use with the Daily 5 that you can find on TPT. 

Don't forget to check out all of the fabulous Monday Made It projects.  Click on the link below to check them out or to link up with Tara.


Before I go, I just had to share one more thing.....  While working on this blog post, my husband had taken our boys out to help wash the cars.  Well, when I stepped outside to take a peek here is what I found.
Our youngest had found his brother's skateboard.  Our other two boys were spraying him with the water hose.  AND yes, that is a baseball helmet he is wearing.  This is our little daredevil.

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Technology Tuesday

I'm having so much fun participating in the Teacher Week linky party at Blog Hoppin.
 Today it's Technology Tuesday.  I have already jotted down several sites I want to look at and try.  I have also got some great ideas on new IPAD apps to add to our classroom IPAD.

Here are a few of my favorite websites that I integrate into my curriculum:

1.  Brain Pop

 Our school has a yearly membership to Brain Pop.  I LOVE to use Brain Pop when introducing new concepts.  Last year my students enjoyed Brain Pop so much, they would ask if I had a video for it when introducing a new concept to them.

2.  Aplus Math
My students love the game room on this website.  It's great for practicing multiplication facts.  I often have one of the classroom computers set up with this website for students to access when they are finished with their work.

3. Spelling City

This site is one of my favorites to use with my students.  I love to put it on our
classroom Promethean board for the whole class to view and participate in the spelling activities.

4.  Giggle Poetry
I love to use this site with our poetry unit and use in our literature stations throughout the year.  This year I hope to incorporate this into our Daily 5 "Work on Writing".

These are just a few of my favorites that I use on a regular basis in my classroom.  I love to integrate technology into my lessons.  I'm so fortunate to have a Promethean board and even IPADs in my classroom.  Often I have been fortunate enough to "Google" a concept we are working on, and sites with educational games I can use online pop up.  I have found several games to use with teaching grammar through Harcourt School.

Don't forget to check out all the awesome technology ideas at Blog Hoppin.  Just click on the link below.

Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

Must Have Monday

I'm so excited to be linking up with Blog Hoppin for Teacher Week 2012.
Today it's Must Have Monday.

Here are some of my "Must Haves":

1. My MacBook laptop

This goes with me everywhere.  I can easily access my online gradebook, units I'm working on in Powerpoint, photos, and my blog.

2. Erin Condren Life Planner
This is my first one, and I'm loving it.  It helps me keep track of my school meetings, and all of my kiddos soccer practices.  Trying to keep up with the scheduling of 3 kids in soccer is difficult.

3.  My Scotch Laminator
I purchased this from Wal-mart this summer for $27.00.  I LOVE it!  It's so convenient to have a laminator at home.  

4. My book baskets, tubs and other accessories to keep my classroom organized.  The ones below have been fabulous these past couple of weeks with all of our Olympic and math stations.  I get them ready the night before and on the day we use them the table leader comes up and gets their station basket. 
My favorite place to buy all of my storage items and baskets... The Dollar Tree

5.  Gotta have a Thirty One Bag... 

I can't wait to check out everyone's Must Haves.  Don't forget to link up with Blog Hoppin this week for Teacher Week.